Saturday, March 24, 2012

United States Northeast refineries prepare close as gas prices soar

Saturday, March 24, 2012
The cost of gasoline at the pump rise should have begun continues its upward trend after refineries in northeastern United States shut down or declare shutdown dates because of lost revenue. While gas prices rose an additional 6% have to benefit refiners not on these higher prices in February.

According to the Wall Street Journal Philadelphia-based Sunoco closes its largest refinery in the region in July probably boosted leading gasoline prices.

In the defense of the Sunoco close plants, a spokesperson stated:

"Our Northeast refining business almost one billion dollars lost in the last three years, and these losses have threatened Sunoco of existence as a company."

In the meantime Mideast tensions, particularly in the Iran, along with a rising global demand for oil has not helped production facilities. Refineries in the northeast United States expressly not the equipment processing of lower quality, cheaper and a lack of oil pipelines in the region access to cheaper requires expensive to procure crude oil.

As if the national and international problems still weren't enough, have rules and Government regulations increasingly strict EPA difficulty for some refineries to work while efficiently is still turning a profit is made.

In combination with increasing gas demand in the summer, which expected the closure of refineries slide for gas costs about $5 per gallon mark time come the summer.

You think the closure of several refineries could have been avoided, and can even helped have gas prices if pipelines were approved and the EPA was forced back a bit turn off?

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