Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Video reveals truth about Smart grids

Wednesday, August 08, 2012
We believe not about energy until something goes wrong, and this week things gone wrong at the historical level. Therefore the public and experts focused again on the fragility of large power grids.

Ten percent of the world's population - more than 600 million people - lost their power in India on July 31, marking the largest power outage in history. India's grid collapse follows the storm-related outages, the links of Washington, D.C. sweltering days in June, when a freak hit super Derecho.

So the timing could not be better to accelerate his, consumer education about Smart grids and the non-profit smart grid consumer collaborative (SGCC) in the work.

Smart grid uses high-tech equipment for the electrical system more sophisticated and less likely an error. It paves the way for a future of decentralized power where the home, car and office buildings each power stations in their own right become.

But smart grid requires a level to customer energy management, something most of us strangers. So that the industry has worked hard to find out as to interest consumers in the different energy displays, smart operation time prices, smart meters and other tools of the grid.

This includes utilities in the mind of the consumer, to do something Proctor & gamble or Apple computers get, routinely but must have monopoly-based utilities never before found necessary.

In an effort to help SGCC asked recently not only consumers, what they think about Smart grids, but also video taped their answers. Because sometimes we say what only half revealed what we mean. As we say something, means much.

"It is one thing to read a single-dimensional set of quotation marks." "But it is another thing entirely to consumers and they say hear in their own words what they think and what they know," said Patty Durand, SGCC Executive Director, in a recent interview.

The group interviewed 24 consumers in Atlanta, Los Angeles and Chicago. What point the interviews, and how can the information help utilities?

It turns out consumers want data on use their energy, but want to help to understand what it means and how to use it. You worry about reliability and price and in some cases the environment. Most importantly, says Durand, they all alike, so that all utilities in the same way should be addressed not think.

Consumers generally fall into five categories, she said.

Traditional - often seniors, the is ChangeDo-it-yourselfers against - they want their SpendingEasy roads save money and mange - highly trained, consumers or they make a good income, save time and avoid WasteYoung Americans - they just want out, don't know much about smart-grid, but would like to embrace the most likely smart-grid LearnConcerned green - environmentally motivated people,
Each of these groups responds differently to smart grid spaces. Utilities are to capture the best interest of consumers if they adapt messages to anyone, she said.

For example, information on renewable energy be resonance with affected Greens and easy Street, while it will irritate the traditional. She could better respond to a message that stresses us competitiveness. "There are so many opinions and passions around energy and the environment, that the targeted message better," Durand said.

The bottom line is that utilities have for many years treated customers as a "Monolith", she said. Consumers in action watch shows on video, the differences in the consumer concerns and interests. "Education is the key, but it must be deployed carefully."

Find here want the ten things, the consumer most of smart-grid and a short clip of the interviews.

ELISA is a long-time energy writer, whose Artikel are available at

View the original article here

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